Looking for a deal to Europe this fall? I have compiled a list of travel deals I found online with specific dates and airline. Note that this price shown is as of today (10-14-12)
LAX to Rome, Italy: From November 25 to December 9, 2012 $740 R/T : Orbitz
Airline: Aeroflot Russian Airline (Operated by Alitalia)
Price Comparison:
Airline: Air France price $1088 R/T
LAX to London : November 20 to November 27,2012 $980 R/T
Airline : Air New Zealand
Note: Cheap fares are available for Tue/Mon departure and Return Mon/Tue from October to November 2012.
LAX to London: January 9 to January22 ,2013 $815 R/T : (Travelocity or Fly.com)
Airline: Air Berlin